Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day 3 - Chicago to Lincoln, Nebraska

On the third day of the trip we saw tons of cool things during the trip.  We drove just as many hours as the other days.  Before we left Chicago,  we took pictures at a very famous baseball park.

Wrigley Field is the home of the Chicago Cubs.  They are one of the oldest baseball teams.  They have been around since baseball became the national past time in 1876.

I thought it was kind of funny that they had a giant piece of macaroni, from a bowl of macaroni and cheese.
Our next stop was not planned, but was probably the best part of the day.  We found a kid sized version of Wrigley Field called Little Cubs Field.  

Little Cubs Field was built by volunteers, so that children can  play baseball on a field that looks just like Wrigley Field.

Mike and I got to pretend to catch baseballs in the outfield and to sit on the benches.  It would have been even more fun if we had a whole team to play a game with.

After Little Cubs field we were on our way to another place that loves baseball.  Along the way we saw two other interesting places.

This is a picture of President Ulysses S. Grant's house.  It is in Galena, Illinois.  When Grant came back from the Civil War in 1865, the people of the town gave him this house.  He lived in the house until 1867 and then from 1879 - 1881.  The house has tons of things that was owned by Grant. 
We also drove over the Mississippi River.  It is the longest river in the United States.  It starts in Minnesota and ends in the Gulf of Mexico. That is practically from the top to the bottom of the United States.  

The next stop on what seemed like a day full of baseball was the place where they filmed the movie Field of Dreams.  In the movie a man turns part of his corn field into a baseball field.  They actually turned a farm into a baseball field to film the movie.  

The family that lives there kept as a baseball field so people can come and visit. You can even play a game of catch or pretend to walk out of the baseball field like the baseball players in the movie.

Mike and I had a good time walking around this place.  It is so cool to be a place where they filmed a movie.  You can pretend to be part of the movie.

Mike did the last of the driving that day.  Nebraska is famous for its beautiful skies and sunsets.
The next stop on our trip is Denver, Colorado.  Stay tuned for pictures from that day of the trip.  

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 2 - Cleveland to Chicago

On the second day we left early, but not at 4 o'clock in the morning.  That was too early!

We started out by going to see a place where one of my favorite movies was filmed.  Have you ever seen A Christmas Story?  It is about a little boy who wants a toy that his mother says is not safe.  I am sure that everyone has wanted something their parents didn't want them to have.
I got so excited when I found out that the house they used for the movie was in Cleveland.  So before leaving the city we stopped by and took pictures in front of the house.  The museum wasn't open when we got there, because it was early.  I was just as happy to see the outside.  

We then got on the road for Chicago, Illinois.  Illinois is the state where both President Abraham Lincoln and President Barack Obama are from.  It was another long drive but we had some time to see cool things before we were too tired to keep our eyes open.  

Here we come Chicago
Singing along to the radio
The City of Chicago

Navy Pier

We got to go to the Lincoln Park Zoo.  It has more than 1,000 animals, some of the endangered animals cannot be seen anywhere else.  They have gorillas and chimpanzees at the zoo.  Some of them are even older than me.  The zoo has part called the Regenstein African Journey and it is home to giraffes, wild dogs, meerkats and pygmy (small) hippos.  There is also a children's zoo and another part of the zoo that looks like a farm.  
We also got to take a picture of the whole city, while in the zoo.  The city has  a skyscraper that is North America's tallest building.  It used to be called the Sears tower.  It is 110 stories and is 1,353 feet tall.  I don't like heights so I am glad we saw it from the street instead of going up and looking down.
It got really hot, so we went to the Chicago History Museum.  They had so many fun things to do.  
You could pretend to be a giant Chicago hotdog.
Or pretend to drive or ride on  an old fashioned trolley car.
There is even a place where you can answer Chicago sports trivia.
At the end of the day there was a beautiful sunset telling us to get to bed.  We would need lots of sleep to continue on the journey in the morning.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 1 - New Jersey to Cleveland, Ohio

On the first day of the trip, we left the house at 4 o'clock in the morning.  That meant a cranky and sleepy Miss R.  My friend Mike drove the first half of the drive.  It took over 8 hours.  That meant lots of music and silliness.

When we got to Cleveland it was hot and we were starving. 
So we went on a mission for food before sightseeing.  

After our bellies were full we decided to go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.  It is a museum that has lots of things owned by musicians.

We saw Michael Jackson's glove and tons of cool items.  Below are some pictures of the other things we saw.

After seeing all the fun stuff we heading back to the hotel for a nap and then dinner.  Tomorrow would be just as exciting with another small trip in Cleveland and then driving to Chicago.